
eBUSIN ROBOT VIGICONTROLFree VigiControl is a help to decision built on totally free criterions.

The specific VigiControls are VigiControl dedicated to other more precise points of view of the exploitation:

  • Auto-evaluation of the staff,
  • Production,
  • Customers,
  • Purchase / Suppliers,
  • Customers (company perception from),
  • Suppliers (company perception from),
  • Bank relations,
  • Tax relations,
  • Administrative,
  • Legal,
  • Infrastructure,
  • Sales,
  • General services,
  • Knowledge,
  • Security,
  • Information systems,
  • Business plan,
  • Strategy,
  • financal management,
  • Extraordinary management,
  • Accounting,
  • Salaries.